3 Marketing Ideas To Keep Your Customers Coming Back

While campaigns to bring in new customers are a very important way to use a company's advertising dollars, encouraging repeat business shouldn't be forgotten. Returning customers can help provide some consistency to revenues but also, people who like a company or business enough to shop there frequently can provide a priceless form of advertising - word of mouth!

Its been proven that simple things like a popcorn machine, "thank you" coupons, and exclusive sales can keep customers feeling good about returning to your business repeatedly. Think about what message you want to send your customers and what type of promotion best suits your bottom line. Popcorn machines, for example are a very inexpensive addition to your lobby while printing coupons and offering in-store discounts initially require a larger investment.

Free, In Store Food and Treats

People love food. And, when shopping or taking care of their banking, many people enjoy looking forward to a treat. Having something like a free popcorn machine or gourmet coffee station at a place of business can encourage people to come in and come back.

Also, having a kid friendly treat is always helpful. A lollipop, cookie, or again, that special popcorn that only comes from a popcorn machine helps kids to look forward to running errands. And when the kids are happy, their parents are happy, and more importantly, able to shop!

Plus, the kids will remember the business too. And, when the kids are saying "Mom, lets stop at the business with the popcorn machine", if they can, most parents will choose to shop at the business that keeps their kids happy.

Another aspect of using a popcorn machine to draw in customers is its cost effectiveness. For an extremely low price per serving, the popcorn machine treats your customers without breaking your marketing budget. Having custom printed popcorn bags only reinforces your brand as customers leave the popcorn machine with their bag of popcorn and continue running errands.

Punch Cards and Promotional Coupons

Punch cards can be a great way to "reward" patrons for their support. They are guaranteed a free store product like a movie rental or class session, after paying for a pre determined number of the same product.

Promotional coupons for store items or for a certain percentage off any item in the store can be mailed to special customers. It encourages them to come in again as well as saying "thank you for your business."

And, if you can get creative and send out a promotion to existing customers that includes a coupon for a friend, then the promotion has the dual benefit of encouraging repeat business as well as encouraging new customers to check out the company.

Giveaways and Sale Promotions

Giving away a special tote bag, or T-shirt, can help to show a company's gratitude for their customer's support. And, when customers feel taken care of it encourages them to come back.

Of course special sales are widely used to bring in customers, that is why it is important to put a new twist on them to put the focus on current customers. Hold a special after hour's sale or, think about sending out a postcard to existing customers for exclusive pre-sale hours.

Things like a popcorn machine, punch cards, or a special sale for special customers all can make people feel like their business is appreciated. This only holds positive benefits for a business, and is worth the extra expense and effort to make customers feel welcome and encourage them to return to the company again and again.

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